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Friedelsheim's Hans-Schultz Rexter is the son of DC AFC VC Friedelsheim's Freight Train Mason MH and Friedelsheim's Mayhem. Hans exhibited all the necessary traits required in a strong performing versatile gundog from early on. He has been hunted throughout the Midwest and East Coast on a variety of upland and waterfowl birds. Hans lives in the home and excels as a member of the family. He is owned by Mike Giovannangelo

5 Generation Pedigree



Natural Ability Prize II - 103pts

Utility Prize I - 204pts

Invitational Pass - 195pts


Whelped -  03/21/2019

Weight - 65 lbs

Height - 25"

Hips - PENN HIP RT.15 LT.20

Coat - Medium Dense / Medium Harsh

Bite - Normal (NAVHDA)

Eyes - Normal (NAVHDA)

DNA Profiled NAV- GS509440

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