VC Friedelsheim's Whiskey River Script is the son of FC AFC VC Deadwood's River Stone MH and Friedelsheim's Magnolia UT II. A strong and powerful dog, Whiskey was owner trained and title to all of his achievements by a first time NAVHDA handler. Whiskey has been hunted on a variety of upland and waterfowl game throughout the east coast and Midwest. Whisky lives in the home and interacts well with all family members. Whiskey is owned by Lee Scripture of NC.
Natural Ability Prize I - 112pts
Utility Prize I - 201pts
Invitational Pass - 200pts
Whelped - 05/20/2021
Weight - 62 lbs
Height - 25"
Hips - OFA Good (GSP-22031G32M-U-PI)
Elbows - OFA Normal (GSP-EL6399M32-U-PI)
Coat - Medium Dense / Medium Harsh
Bite - Normal (NAVHDA)
Eyes - Normal (NAVHDA)
DNA NAV- GS535819